Dear ITI students,
Applications are invited in prescribed format onA-4 size bond paper of 80 GSM using one side only from eligible Indian Nationals for the following posts ofTECHNICIANS. Applications complete in all respects along with required enclosures should be sent by Ordinary Post to the Railway Recruitment Boards concerned as mentioned in para 15 of thisnotification, so as to reach on or before 16.07.2012 up to 17.30 Hrs. Applications can also be dropped in the box kept at the premises of RRB offices concerned, till the closing date and time. For candidates residing in Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Arunafial Pradesh, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, Lahaul & Spiti districts and Pangi sub-division of Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman, Nicobar and Laksladweep islands and for candidates residing abroad, the closing date for receipt of applications by Ordinary Post will be 31.07.2012 up to 17.30 Hrs.
Date of publication : 16.06.2012
Date & time of closing :16.07.2012 up to 17.30 hrs.
Date of publication : 16.06.2012
Date & time of closing :16.07.2012 up to 17.30 hrs.
To Know more about RRB Recruitment Process: Click Here
For Guidelines on RRB Entrance Exam: Click Here
No of vacancy: 12042 Nos
Candidates Please Note
1) written Examination will be held on the same day by all participating RRBs.
2) In addition to English, Hindi and Urdu, choice of Local Languages for each RRB is indicated at Para 15. Candidates must indicate their choice of Language while applying.
3) No examination fee for SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen/Women/Minorities/Persons with Disability/Economically backyard candidates having annual family income less than 50,000/-.
1) written Examination will be held on the same day by all participating RRBs.
2) In addition to English, Hindi and Urdu, choice of Local Languages for each RRB is indicated at Para 15. Candidates must indicate their choice of Language while applying.
3) No examination fee for SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen/Women/Minorities/Persons with Disability/Economically backyard candidates having annual family income less than 50,000/-.
Scale of Pay with GP : Fit Technician all/Signal -Rs. 5,200 – 20,200 (GP Rs. 2,400),
for all other Technician Gr.11 Categories – Rs. 5,200 – 20,200 (GP Rs. 1,900
for all other Technician Gr.11 Categories – Rs. 5,200 – 20,200 (GP Rs. 1,900
[Candidates shall be free to apply to more than one RRB but they will be doing so at their own risk, as the examination will be held by all RRBs on the same date. Examination for more than one category/group may also be held simultaneously based on administrative convenience.]
- The Application Form as perAnnexure 1 & 2 should be filled up by the candidate in his/her own handwriting, with blue or black ball point pen (not in pencil, fountain pen or gel pen) dated and signed. Only international numbers i.e. 1,2, 3 etc., should be used. The Application Form should be filled up in English or in Hindi only, strictly observing all the instructions given in this Centralised Employment Notice. Candidates should affixtheir normal signature in English or in Hindi in the Application Form. Applications signed in capital letters/spaced out letters will be treated as invalid.
- Candidate’s Name, Address with Pin Code, Date of Birth, Father’s Name, Mother’s Name and nearest Railway Station should be written legibly in English in bold capital letters, even if the candidate fills up the Application Form in Hindi.
- Photographs: One recent (not earlier than three months from the date of application) colour photograph of size 3.5 x 3.5 cm, with clearfront view of the candidate without cap and sunglasses, should be pasted on the Application Form in the space provided. Photostat copy of photograph is not permitted. Candidates should sign in the space provided in the box below the photograph. An extra identical colour photograph should be enclosed with the application, indicating candidate’s name and category number on the reverse of the photograph. Candidates may note that RRBs may, at any stage, reject the applications for pasting old/unclear photograph on the application or for any significant variations between photograph pasted in the Application Form and the actual physical appearance of the candidate.
- Candidates should indicate, in item No.11 of the Application Form, any clearvisible marks of identification on their body. For example, “a mole on the nose, cut-mark on the forehead or a scar mark below the chin etc.” In case there are no visible marks, “Nil” should be written. Applications are liable to be rejected for not filling up marks of identification/writing “Nil”.
- Candidates should copy as much of the paragraph at item No.12 of the Information Sheet, as possible, so as to fill the space provided completely, in Hindi/English, in their own running handwriting (not in capital/spaced out letters), otherwise their applications will be rejected.
- Candidates should put their Left thumb impression at the designated places in the Application Form and in the Information Sheet. The Thumb impression must be clear and complete. Ridges of the Thumb impression must be clearly visible.
- Applications which are illegible, incomplete, unsigned, signed in capital letters, not in prescribed format, without photo of candidate, not having I PO/DD for requisite amount or having I PO/DD purchased before date of issue of and after closing date of Centralised Employment Notice are liable to be rejected.
- The envelope containing the application should be clearly superscribed “Application for the Post/s of____________Category No/s._________Centralised Employment NoticeNo._____________Community (SC/ST/OBC/PWD/Ex-SM)“. If the post/s and category number/s is/are not indicated on the top of the envelope containing the application, the same will not be entertained.
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